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A La Carte (February 10)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

There are lots of great books lined up for you in today’s Kindle deals. The list includes several that are for parents.

Break Shame’s Chains Through Christ

“Self-shaming is a defense mechanism rooted in the belief that we’re unlovable to God and others. We voice the harsh words we fear others are thinking—as if beating them to the punch might soften the blow or inspire us to change. Ironically, self-shaming doesn’t protect us; it only perpetuates harmful lies and keeps us in bondage.”

“I Don’t Deserve This”

How can you know if you are self-righteous? And what does it have to do with “I don’t deserve this?”

Immerse Yourself in Church History  

The Church History Handbook is an elegant, full-color handbook with robust summary content, charts, infographics, maps, doctrinal studies, short biographies, and more—and it’s designed to last a lifetime. Pre-order through and receive 40% off your order when you enter the promo code CHALLIES40. (Sponsored)

Seeing the World like a Great Gray Owl

This wonderful piece of writing celebrates one of God’s great creatures and draws some important lessons from it.

The Cosmic Canvas

I enjoyed this meditation on what we may see and know in eternity.

Equality: What It Is & Where It Comes From

Paul O’Brien considers the concept of equality and asks where it comes from.

Preserving Wonder

This is universal, isn’t it? “I have to admit that my heart sometimes grows cold to realities that should never cease to amaze me. It’s easy to become spiritually dull at truths that cause angels to wonder.”

Flashback: Should Young Pastors Prefer a Large or Small Church?

In a small church a pastor will be able to get to know—to really know—his people and the value of each and every soul. Where in a big city church he may preach to anonymous masses, in a small country church he will preach to well-known individuals.

In the same way that playing matchbox cars on the front lawn loses its attractiveness when we’re invited to spend the afternoon at a NASCAR race, sin loses its appeal as we allow ourselves to be re-enchanted time and again with the unsurpassable beauty of Jesus.

—Dane Ortlund

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