Al Mohler on Strange Fire – In his Ask Anything program, Al Mohler talks about the Strange Fire book and conference. I appreciated his perspective.
Only Two Pastoral Problems – This is a short quote, but a good one. It comes from John Owen via Sinclair Ferguson via R.W. Glenn.
Who Is Fittest? – So of all these athletes competing at the Olympics, which are fittest? Discovery provides an answer (though not a particularly satisfying one).
But there Is a Problem – Carl Trueman talks about evil and suffering and the way Calvinists may not speak rightly about them.
Lessons from a Lifetime of Pastoring – In this video Sinclair Ferguson gives lessons he has learned from a lifetime of pastoring.
Reaching the Poor with the Gospel – Here are just a few tips on reaching the poor with the gospel (and, having worshiped at this church, I can tell you that they are succeeding at this very thing).