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A La Carte (December 9)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include a wide selection of devotionals, commentaries, and other books.

Tortured, Imperfect, and Held by Jesus: One Mother’s Journey Across the Dark River

Garrett Kell has a must-read at TGC. “My two earliest memories of my mother couldn’t be more different. The pleasant one is our evening routine: She’d pull me onto her lap to recite the Lord’s Prayer and sing ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ until I fell asleep. The other is her sobbing in her bathroom, telling me how badly she wanted to die. This perplexing tension between Mom’s two sides carried on for 40 years or so until my mother went to be with the Lord earlier this year.”

Chasing Memories

Susan Lafferty offers a seasonal reflection on chasing memories.

Let the Feminist Mock

“We are witnessing the dual rise of two troubling issues: narcissism and body dysmorphic disorder. These challenges, amplified by social media and cultural expectations, are taking a profound toll on women’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health. While this is not a psychology blog, my heart is burdened to address these challenges in a way that I pray will offer hope, healing, and biblical encouragement.”

What Is the Wrath of God?

Robert Rothwell explains how Christians should think about the wrath of God.

Every Believer’s Call to Meaningful Ministry

Phil Hunt wants every believer to accept the call to meaningful ministry. “In the ancient world, religious duties were typically reserved for a specialized priestly class. Yet here was Paul, declaring that every believer has a vital role in building God’s church. This democratization of ministry wasn’t just revolutionary then – it’s transformative now.”

As Long As There Is Time

“As long as there is time, let us not give up on friends, family, and everyone whom God sends into our lives. We are called to be patient and faithful while leaving the results to God. Let us continually minister in love and grace because God has also been loving and gracious towards us. Let us reflect on the love we have received from God. Let us beg God for the grace to be loving when our love is tried and tested by people who are so hard to love.”

Flashback: Momentary Obedience, Forever Honor

Is obedience to parents permanent or is it temporary? Does honor always require obedience? If I want to honor my parents do I need to continue obeying them throughout my life?

It may help us if we will always remember, when we find it hard to get along with anyone, that this is only a new lesson in loving set for us.

—J.R. Miller

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