How Do You Sleep? – “As Christians I don’t think we give sleep much thought. I know I don’t. We know that our bodies need it and we acknowledge that it is a gift of God. But it turns out that there is more to it.”
The Painful Lessons of Mars Hill – This will certainly not be the last word on Mars Hill, but it’s still a very interesting account of the church’s downfall, along with some important lessons.
The Ministry of Shaking Hands – I think H.B. Charles Jr. is quite right about the pastoral ministry of shaking hands.
The Centrality of the Word in Discipleship – I’ve been learning this same thing. Instead of saying, “Here, read this book” try saying, “Let’s read the Book together.”
The Death of Freedom – Here’s an important article on why the freedom to marry actually signals the death of freedom.
When Grammar Fails – “One of the great conundrums in the Synoptics is the issue of whether Jesus told his disciples to take a staff, not take a staff, or don’t take an extra staff.”