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A La Carte (December 7)

I was not able to track down new Kindle deals today, but will hope for better things tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve just arrived in Jerusalem as the next stop on my EPIC church history journey. I’ll begin sharing some photos soon. I’d appreciate prayers for safety in travel and effectiveness in research.

Pray for Dr Sproul

R.C. Sproul is unwell. Please read this update and commit him and his family to prayer.

A Month After Church Massacre, Faith and Healing in Sutherland Springs

“Four weeks after the church massacre, time stretches and snaps for people in this town of 600 south of San Antonio, shifting from fast to slow to fast again. One moment, it’s as if their loved ones were just there with them. The next, there’s a gaping hole, a monumental loss.”

Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet

Here is a new album from Sojourn that may interest you.

Should We Capitalize Divine Pronouns?(Video)

Should we use “he” or “He” when referring to God? That’s a surprisingly contentious issue.

Are You Addicted?

“Do you find yourself reaching for your smartphone and turning it on for no apparent reason? A new survey found that British consumers admit to doing this thousands of times per year — accounting for about 40 percent of the times they unlocked their phones. “

Teach Your Children the Virtue of Waiting

“In busy households, managing expectations for parents and children can be both a trial and a joy. But the season of Advent—the weeks encompassing the four Sundays leading up to Christmas—represents a wonderful opportunity to teach our children, and ourselves, about waiting, a vital but neglected virtue of the Christian life.”

How Acts 29 Survived – and Thrived – After the Collapse of Mars Hill

This is an interesting look at how Acts 29 survived the collapse of Mars Hill.

Flashback: Sexual Revolution, Same Old Revolution

For good or for ill—and humanity’s long past has many examples of both—, we humans are revolutionaries, always primed for a conflict. But we are confused and inconsistent revolutionaries who sometimes revolt away from a great injustice and sometimes toward one. Today we are watching people all around us revolt away from justice, away from truth, away from common sense, away from the common good.

The finest art of communication is not learning how to express your thoughts. It is learning how to draw out the thoughts of another.

—Tedd Tripp

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