Every day I look through lists of hundreds of mostly terrible books hoping to find just a few noteworthy Kindle deals. Today, sadly, I came up empty. We’ll try again tomorrow.
(Yesterday on the blog: Should We Make a Priority of Diversity in Church Leadership?)
Teens and Body Image
This is an important one about body image. “As parents, we teach our children not to lie. Perhaps less discussed and more difficult to identify is when your child believes a lie, especially one that consumes their thoughts and actions. In today’s culture, a common lie that many youth buy into concerns body image. “
The Immutability of God
The new (free) issue of Credo magazine deals with God’s immutability. “Does God change? Everything hinges on the answer to that question. If he does change, he is not the eternal, self-sufficient, simple, and infinite Lord scripture says he is time and time again. If he is not immutable, then our salvation is uncertain as well, for only one who does not change can ensure that his promises to redeem us will not change.”
A Business With No End
I don’t even really know what to say about this strange longform story from the New York Times except that it’s strangely interesting.
What is the Greatest Challenge Facing Seminaries? (Video)
Ligon Duncan shares what he sees as the greatest challenge facing seminaries today. Though he speaks on behalf of RTS, I think it’s much more widely applicable.
Join Me on a Ride to Malvern
I enjoyed Kimberly Wagner’s sweet little reflection on the importance of the small things.
The Changing Face of Words
D.A. Carson has an editorial on the changing face of words and why that matters.
The Somber History of the Presidential Funeral Train
“In the era before airplanes and interstate highways, the train was a practical part of the burial proceedings, conveying a casket from one place to another. Following the deaths of presidents, like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant, James Garfield, William McKinley, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eisenhower, the funeral train’s journey from town to town also proved to be a visual emblem of sorrow and mourning, and a heartfelt way for the American people to honor the office of the president and its legacy.”
Flashback: Learning To Trust the Instruments
Rather than trusting in the “instruments” given to us in the Word of God, we too often trust in our instincts and our internal guidance. Rather than relying on what is given to guide us and what is far more trustworthy, we rely on things that are always changing, always imperfect.