Errors of the Prosperity Gospel – Five errors of the prosperity gospel. “No matter what name is used, the essence of this new gospel is the same. Simply put, this egocentric ‘prosperity gospel’ teaches that God wants believers to be physically healthy, materially wealthy, and personally happy.”
How To Confess and Forgive – Thabiti Anyabwile reviews how to confess sin and how to extend forgiveness.
Generations – Here’s a gallery of multiple generations of families. It’s strangely fascinating.
The World Outside My Window – “This montage of time-lapse photography from the International Space Station is collected from many taken in Expeditions 29, 30 and 31.” You pretty much want to go full screen and HD.
12 Reasons to Pray Scripture – Andy Naselli shares twelve reasons you ought to pray Scripture.
Escaping the Cage Stage – R.C. Sproul: “My friend Michael Horton often comments on the phenomenon of ‘cage-stage Calvinism,’ that strange malady that seems to afflict so many people who have just seen the truth of the Reformed doctrines of grace. We’ve all known one of these ‘cage-stage Calvinists.’ Many of us were even one of them when we were first convinced of God’s sovereignty in salvation.”