Users of Logos will want to take a look at this month’s deals. You will find a Christmas Sale and also the usual series of free and nearly-free books. You can also get a good discount on the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries and the Bible Speaks Today series. And then there’s a flash sale on the Focus on the Bible commentaries which are excellent.
(Yesterday on the blog: Who Are You When Only Your Family Is Looking?)
Answering Six Objections to the Virgin Birth
Mitch addresses six common objections to the virgin birth. “Holy Scripture teaches that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. This is the doctrine of the virgin birth—or, to be more precise, the virginal conception. This teaching has encountered objections over the years, and there are good responses to each of them.”
The Beauty of Difference
“As I listen to the Western culture around me I hear a mixed message regarding difference. It is celebrated, but not really. Slogans like ‘be yourself’ or ‘find yourself’ surround us. The culture speaks loudly about the value of diversity. Yet at the same time we constantly hear an equally loud message of reaching your full potential through what is deemed normal and desirable. So in the search for fulfilment, what we actually end up with is the unspoken slogan of ‘be what we expect you to be’.”
Shoplifting and the Rise of Shame
It seems that shoplifting is increasing in many different places. Matthew Hosier suggests one possible explanation (and solution).
The Pastor’s Salary and Martin Luther
This article uses Martin Luther to help Christians think well about compensating their pastors.
25 Ways to Provoke Your Children to Anger
Paul Tautges: “How much of the anger in my home is caused by me? That’s a painful question. As parents, fathers in particular, we must heed God’s Word from Ephesians 6:4.”
Tribes, Trolls, and the Power of Technology
There is lots to ponder in Jason’s article about tribes, trolls, and the power of technology. “While technology can be, and is, often used for good in society, these benefits are often outweighed by the deleterious impact of these media on our public square. Social media is not uniquely dangerous, and is by no means inherently bad, but the ways in which our sinful hearts use and misuse these tools can be especially harmful to matters of politics and social order.”
Flashback: Stopping An Affair Before It Begins
Affairs do not begin with sex. Falling into bed with a man who is not your husband or a woman who is not your wife is simply one step in a long chain of events, one decision in a long series of poor decisions.