There is a good and diverse collection of Kindle deals to look over today.
Westminster Books has all Crossway Bibles heavily discounted this month.
(Yesterday on the blog: The 2020 Christian Reading Challenge)
The Self-Help Movement That Is Upending American Christianity
This longform article, which is not written from a Christian perspective, does a good job of showing why the Enneagram should be so concerning to believers. “Though derived from an ancient wisdom tradition, and not explicitly Christian, the Enneagram has recently found a passionate following in the Evangelical world, drawing young believers culturally steeped as much in the self-centric spiritual practices of the secular world — astrology, self-care, the wellness industry — as they are in biblical teachings.”
In the Moment
Be sure to read this meditation by Andrée Seu Peterson.
Husband and Wife Die a Day Apart After Being Married 68 Years
Not to romanticize death, but doesn’t this sound pretty much like the way we’d all like our lives and marriages to end? “After being married for 68 years, Minnesota sweethearts died a day apart — a testament, their kids say, to their independence and devotion to each other.”
But That’s Just Your Interpretation!
D.A. Carson takes on timely issues of how we interpret the Bible. “How can I know with certainty what the Bible is saying? How can I be certain what books really belong in the Bible? How can I be sure that my interpretation of any text is correct, and, still more, what its proper application is when I draw lines from texts that are two or three thousand years old and written in another language and in another culture, to our life in the early 21st century?”
The Real Meaning of Christmas
Stephen Nichols reflects on the real meaning of Christmas.
Continue Using Apostrophes Correctly, We Beg of You
Though I regret there is a bad word in it, I otherwise fully endorse the point of this article: Please continue to use apostrophes correctly.
Protestant Relics and the Graves of Whitefield and Edwards
Thomas Kidd writes about Protestant relics and the complicated relationship Evangelicals have had with dead heroes.
Flashback: Should We Make a Priority of Diversity in Church Leadership?
I’ve seen discussions about whether churches should make diversity in their pastoral leadership a matter of priority or even consideration. Not surprisingly, many of these discussions have not gone very well.