Today’s Kindle deals include some really good ones: A topical collection from Crossway, a series of flash deals from Zondervan, and a really good book by Peter Jones that I’ve never seen discounted before. Check them out on the revamped Kindle Deals for Christians page.
The Right To Be Spared From Guilt
This hits hard: “A French court has demonstrated how ‘inappropriate’ can be an all-purpose device of intellectual evasion and moral cowardice. The court said it is inappropriate to do something that might disturb people who killed their unborn babies for reasons that were, shall we say, inappropriate.”
He Didn’t Choose the Lamb
At the Passover, why did Jesus choose the bread rather than the lamb to represent himself?
Ontario’s Youngest MPP
Here’s a story about Sam Oosterhoff, Ontario’s youngest Member of Provincial Parliament. A member of the Canadian Reformed Churches, he’s just 19 and has been voted into Parliament. The press immediately went after him.
Five Reasons Preachers Should Listen to Hip Hop
Dan DeWitt makes an interesting case.
Christmas Spirit or Christmas Snob
Randy Alcorn shares some J.I. Packer to give us a good warning about the Christmas season.
This Day in 1862. 154 years ago today pioneer missionary C.T. Studd was born. Converted under D.L. Moody’s preaching, Studd joined the “Cambridge Seven” to serve with China Inland Mission and would later serve in India and China. *
How Tyres (Tires) Work
Sure this is advertising, but it’s a neat look at how tires work.
Enough is Enough
Gary Thomas makes an interesting and controversial case here: “If the cost of saving a marriage is destroying a woman, the cost is too high. God loves people more than he loves institutions.”
21 Thoughts on Preaching
Jared Wilson is in his element writing things like this.
Flashback: The 5 Gossips You Will Meet
Here is a gallery of gossips—five different kinds of gossips you’ll meet (even in the church).