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A La Carte (December 4)


Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of books, the great majority of which are by Matthias Media, one of those “everything they publish is sound” publishers.

Good News! God Does not Love You Unconditionally

Good news, indeed! “Just to be clear, the Bible does not teach that God loves unconditionally or that you should love unconditionally and that is good news, a sign that the Bible is wise.”

The Problem With Relying on ‘Wirecutter’ Reviews

This article was probably written for me since I find myself increasingly unable to buy much of anything without reading a bazillion reviews (and then forever doubting that I made the right choice).

Bring your church family together with quick and easy communication between Sundays. Church Social gives members a secure place online to view a member directory and get organized with a calendar, schedules, and more. Administrators can also track membership records, create reports and share information.

Are Divorced Pastors Disqualified? (Video)

Whether you agree or disagree with the conclusions, I’m sure you’ll at least appreciate Tom Schreiner’s careful handling of a very difficult issue. (And, for what it’s worth, I generally agree with him.)

The Most Common Last Name in Every Country

Just check out the dominance of “Smith” across the lands where the British settled. Here in Zambia it’s apparently Phiri, though I don’t think I’ve yet met one.

Will All Be Saved?

That’s the subject of this new issue of Credo magazine that’s freely now available for reading.

You Can Be Anxious About Nothing

God does not ask what he will not provide. “If we’re honest, we may secretly believe that we get a pass from obeying this particular command. We tell ourselves that it simply can’t mean anything. Not when we suffer trials that are altogether devastating. Surely God knows our human frame.”

National Geographic’s Best Photos of the Year

I’ll attach a brief warning to this one: The internet here in Kitwe is not up to displaying every picture on the page, so it’s possible there is something offensive there. But from what I can see, it’s just a typically stunning photo gallery.

Flashback: Desiring the Approval of Others

During a trip to China , I was invited to spend some time with some friends who live there. They asked me questions that ranged far and wide, but here they asked me “as a public persona, do you struggle with desiring the approval of others? How do you deal with it?” Here is my answer.

As you grasp for the next rung, remember that ultimately it doesn’t matter if you rise or fall. The only thing that was ever meant to satisfy you is God.

—Michael Wittmer

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