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A La Carte (December 4)

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Children’s Book Sale – Reformation Trust (i.e. Ligonier Ministries) has all of its children’s books on sale today only, just on time for Christmas shopping. They are great stories and are beautifully illustrated.

Evil Spirits and Electricity Problems – Here’s another fascinating article from Amy in Tanzania.

Read the Bible – I quite like the idea of this one-year Bible-reading plan. Bonus: You get to read a good book while reading the Good Book.

Persecution Update: Somalia – Frontline Ministries has an important persecution update from Somalia.

An Urgent Ministry Opportunity – Crossway is looking for your help in distributing 250,000 study Bibles.

Reflections on Christian Publishing – Dane Ortlund offers some interesting reflections on Christian publishing.

Ebola Is Still Ravaging Sierra Leone – “America has stopped paying attention, but Ebola is still ravaging Sierra Leone.”


God has so closely twisted his own glory and our happiness together, that as we advance the one we promote the other.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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