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A La Carte (December 31)

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A Year-End Editorial – Read this one! “We should look beyond ourselves at the end of the year. After all, our lives are bound up with the Story of God’s redemptive plan being accomplished in history. So, as Christians, our year-end remembrances are never to be selfish exercises of navel gazing self-condemnation or self-congratulation, but a reminder that Christ is at work in history.”

Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend? – “That maxim has survived as a modern principle of foreign policy. It explains why states that have been at war against one another can, in a very short period of time, become allies against a common enemy.” But does it work for our cultural challenges?

Evangelizing Prosperity Gospel Adherents – From the 9Marks journal: “Sharing the gospel with people who have bought into the unbiblical message that Jesus died to make us healthy, wealthy, and successful is challenging for many reasons, but I believe two are primary…”

55 Canadianisms – Here are 55 Canadianisms you may not know or are using differently.

Our Year with the Bible – I’m very grateful for LifeChurch’s Bible app. Here’s an infographic showing a few statistics they collected this year.

40 Resolutions to Consider Making – If you’re the kind who makes resolutions, here’s a list of 40 you might consider.

What God intends, he decrees; what God permits, he has foreseen.

—Arthur Custance

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