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A La Carte (December 3)


It has been strange working 7 hours ahead of my usual time zone this week. I’ve not been able to track down any Kindle deals for today, though may add some later if and when I gain internet access again.

(Yesterday on the blog: Is There Still a Place for Blogs in 2020?)

What Does the True Christmas Spirit Look Like?

Elisha Galotti: “It’s Christmas. It’s the season where Christians celebrate a Savior who gave up everything to come and dwell with broken people. Will I be like Him? Will you? Will we look and find those people in our family, our community, our church, our neighborhood who need love?”

Why Do I Still Struggle with My Pre-Conversion Sins?

John Piper answers the question “Why do I still struggle with my pre-conversion sins” in this episode of Ask Pastor John.

9 Things You Should Know About the Christian Calendar

“Here are nine things should know about the cycle of liturgical seasons observed within many Christian churches.” I’ve never followed the church calendar, so this was at least helpful for me to gain a better understanding of it.

Why Apple Products Are So Expensive (Video)

“Apple’s reputation and brand allow it to charge a premium for its high-end products, like the iPhone 11 Pro Max, MacBook Pro, or the iMac Pro. Adding memory or storage to these products increases the cost even more. Because of this ‘Apple Tax,’ Apple products are often more expensive than competitors, bringing in huge profits for Apple.”

God Uses Simple Things to Spread the Gospel

“God uses tent pegs and stones to bring down rulers; he uses jars and trumpets to bring down nations; he uses the faithful sharing of a church to draw people to himself (Acts 4:32-35). He will use the meal you cook for a sick family, the time you spend talking with a friend, the way you open your home to the new neighbours on your street. As you do these things, be ready to share the gospel.”

What’s In a Name?

Trying to decide on a name for a child has always been tricky. This article looks to some of the most popular baby names from long ago and draws an important application.

5 Myths about John Calvin

“Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.” Michael Haykin addresses five of them.

Flashback: Mind Your Christmas Imperatives

The sure path to ruining Christmas is to make it an obligatory holiday or a mark of Christian maturity.

You will not experience dramatic change in your struggle as long as you use accountability to describe your sins instead of declaring your need for help in the midst of temptation.

—Heath Lambert

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