Today’s Kindle deals include a list of three classics by Francis Schaeffer. They are nice and short which is ideal if you’re participating in a reading challenge this year. Yet they also pack a punch.
Borrowed Convictions
This is a helpful reflection from Jeremy Walker. “A list of gurus is not the same as a developed set of theological convictions. Neither is it the same as having a spiritual home with true shepherds caring for your soul.”
The Great American Word Mapper
This is brilliant. You can plug in words and see where in the US those words are used. Be sure to click the “foods” button (and probably avoid the swear button).
Pro-Lifers Look Forward to 2017
Whatever else 2017 has brought, it’s brought a new sense of optimism to the American pro-life movement. WORLD explains.
One Reason To Dedicate Yourself to Bible Reading in 2017
Here’s just one more good reason to commit yourself to reading your Bible in 2017.
Suffering is a Doorway, Not a Dead End
In that moment of suffering, “one of the most helpful things is to remember what is on the other side of that door. Suffering for Christ is not a dead end (though it might feel like it!). Rather, it is always a doorway to greater joy and life. Here are three ways that is so.”
Did Ellis Island Officials Change the Names of Immigrants?
Smithsonian takes on the persistent myth that officials at Ellis Island changed the names of immigrants.
This Day in 1876. 140 years ago today hymnwriter Philip P. Bliss and his family died when a bridge collapsed under the train they were riding. Bliss composed ‘Man of Sorrows—What a Name!’ and the music for ‘It is Well.’ *
We Need To Talk About Church Scheduling
Here’s a challenging article about church scheduling and how a church can unintentionally harm its people by demanding or expecting too much of them.
Of Golf Balls and Badminton Birdies
This is a good little analogy that is particularly appropriate to pastoral ministry.
How To Protect Your Children From Abuse
I dislike the clickbait headline for this one, but it’s still worth reading as a pediatrician tells parents how to protect against sexual abuse.
Flashback: How Should Christians Use Guns?
John Piper sparked a firestorm in a response to Jerry Falwell Jr. on Christians and guns. Then a whole lot of other people added to the conversation.