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A La Carte (December 23)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

There are some study Bibles on sale today in their Kindle editions.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Way I’ll Be Reading the Bible in 2022)

Can You Feel the Incarnation?

“I don’t know about you but I cannot grasp that grace of the incarnation.” Chap Bettis offers a neat illustration of it here.

When a Good God Seems Far From Good

“Have you ever stood before a spiritual fork in the road? One where you know the ‘godly answer’ to your painful circumstances, but there seems to be an impenetrable wall that stands between your head and your heart? It’s the tension between knowing something to be true but struggling to believe it when the evidence seems stacked against it.”

Founding Myths and the Second Great Awakening

This is a really interesting (and extensive) article on the history of the church in America.

The Lost Art of Humility

“This is our great problem: we think too highly of ourselves, or too frequently about ourselves. We wonder what other people think of us, and in this era we are desperately aware of cultivating image. But a thin verbal veneer of humility is more fleeting than the sound waves which carried it.”

Just Call Me Old-Fashioned

Here’s a celebration of an old-fashioned kind of Christianity.

On Not Fighting Like Gauls

This article tells why you shouldn’t fight like the Gauls did.

Flashback: The Essential: Incarnation

This is what Christians mean when we speak of the Incarnation: the joining together of God and man in “one divine, mysterious person,” the Lord Jesus Christ.

God is pleased to do great things for souls, when friends and relations are moved to pray for them.

—J.C. Ryle

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