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A La Carte (December 22)

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The Unbreakable Laura Hillenbrand – The New York Times has a brilliant profile of author Laura Hillenbrand, author of Seabiscuit and Unbroken.

7 Myths About a Pastor’s Workweek – Thom Rainer dispels a few myths.

Peter Jackson Must Be Stopped – I agree. And what bothers me most of all is that it will be a long time (I think) before we will have someone do The Hobbit properly. He has totally wasted a beautiful opportunity.

Top Ten Theology Stories of 2014 – Collin Hansen rounds up his top ten theology stories of 2014.

Are You Sitting Too Much? – Probably. What can you do about it? Not much.

A Dangerous Passion for Growth – It’s an interesting perspective: “The most dangerous people in our Christian community are the leaders and evangelists who not only long to see growth but who also have the closest sympathy with the needs and concerns of the sinners we are seeking to reach.”

It is better to preach five words of God’s Word than five million words of man’s wisdom.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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