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A La Carte (December 20)


The Kindle deals seem to be slowing down a little pre-Christmas, but I did track down a few that you may want to look at.

Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Were Not Refugees

While there may be some similarities, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were not refugees as we understand the term today. “There is a thought-provoking image circulating the internet that depicts a nativity scene unlike most we’re familiar with. It’s a picture of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, each in separate cages. This image is powerful, especially in light of the current political climate. But is it truthful?”

Gaining Victory Over Temptation

“How can Christians experience victory over temptations to sin? Here are ten dynamic steps you can take to gain victory over temptation…”

The Amazing Math Inside the Rubik’s Cube

“Next year marks 40 years of the Rubik’s Cube first hitting toy shelves. Ever since its release, it’s taunted almost a half billion tinkerers who think they can crack the confounding cube, only to be stymied by its maddening secrets. As we approach the Rubik’s Cube’s ruby anniversary (for real!) it’s time to unpack the puzzle once and for all—with deep math…”

Description: AccelerateBooks is hosting another giveaway. This time they’re giving away both the Puritan Paperbacks and Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ Romans set to one winner. It ends Jan. 1st, so don’t miss this!

Video: Pastoral Response to #WakeUpOlive (Bethel’s Dead-Raising Charade)

“After an immense amount of feedback poured in regarding Bethel Church’s attempt at raising a two-year old little girl from the dead, it became clear that a pastoral response would help provide clarity for many confused people.”

6 Exciting Biblical Archaeology Discoveries in 2019

Here’s a year-end round-up of interesting and important discoveries in 2019.

Is Luke’s genealogy through Mary?

What’s with the two different genealogies of Jesus in the gospels? We don’t know 100%, but this is a good look at the options.

John Calvin Wouldn’t Wear a Necktie

That’s just one more thing to respect about him, isn’t it?

Flashback: A Christmas Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Nativity Story?

How well do you know the nativity story? This short quiz is designed to help you find out!

Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.

—Jonathan Edwards

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