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A La Carte (December 20)

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Top-Ten Theology Stories – Collin Hansen says, “before we turn to 2014, it can be encouraging or at least instructive to take stock of the last 12 months. Perspective is a rare gift in our social media age.” To do that, he offers up this top ten theology stories from the past year.

I Offended You? So What? – Jay Watts talks about what it means to be offended.

Harding-Kerrigan 20 Years Later – This was an interesting read: “The Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan affair began with unchecked ambition, unbridled greed and a whack to the knee. It ended with four men in jail, a broken shoelace and a highly publicized mouthing-off, at Disney World. In between, there was a media frenzy reserved for only the most outrageous circuses.”

Based on a True Story – How Captain Phillips, Saving Mr. Banks, and 12 Years a Slave stack up against reality.

The Year of No Complaining – If you’re a leader in a church, 2014 can be a complaint free year. Here’s all you have to do…

Facebook Is Broken – This article explains that even while Facebook continues to grow, it is crumbling under the weight of its own success.


It is more significant that God walked on earth than that man walked on the moon.

—Rob Frost

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