Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
It’s Cyber Monday which means there’s a lot of great deals to be had. Some of them are the same as Black Friday and some are different. You can visit this page to learn about them.
As for Kindle deals, there are lots of great options today. Definitely consider Jerry Bridge’s The Practice of Godliness. You’ll also find books by John MacArthur, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Randy Alcorn, and others.
Eleven Hindrances to Answered Prayer
Kenneth lists eleven different factors that can hinder our prayers.
Thinking About Bruce Willis and Jesus
Ryley reflects on Bruce Willis, Jesus, and the sorrow of putting off what should be done today.
Nearly There, Nearly Home
“Have you ever thought about the feeling you get when you’re nearly at the place you’re aiming for? Perhaps you’re running a race and you look ahead to the finish line within reach. “I’m nearly there,” you tell yourself as you continue on. You’re motivated to get a better time, first prize, or the accomplishment of completing the race at all.”
Progressive Ideology Leads to Paganism
This is true: Progressive ideology leads inevitably to paganism.
5 Things We Know about Christ’s Second Coming
What can we know about the day of Christ’s second coming? Douglas Sean O’Donnell describes five of them.
You Already Work a Christian Job
“As a teenager, I didn’t know about the Christian doctrine of vocation. I believed some people did important things—my pastor was working for God; others, like missionaries, doctors, and high-level leaders, were changing the world. I never imagined the work familiar to me (farming and construction) could be a calling from God or make a significant difference. I was wrong.” Yes, so many people are wrong about this!
Flashback: The Counter-Cultural Vocation of Homemaking
Though she followed her desire and her conscience, it has not always been easy…But I, her husband, and we, her children, honor and love her.