Visual Theology – If you’ve ever wanted to buy my Visual Theology prints, now’s the time as today only you can get 45% off plus free shipping with the code HOLLY45.
How Then Shall We Pray? – The new issue of Credo magazine is dedicated to the subject of prayer. It’s free to read online or to download.
The Underbelly of Revival? – Desiring God: “We wrote to D.A. Carson and asked, “Do you find that the thrill and euphoria of being part of something that feels like revival may serve to dull the senses in some? Has the ‘success’ of this movement some call ‘Young, Restless, Reformed’ blinded many of us to ministry’s true nature? Has the perceived fruitfulness clouded the vision of some (many?) to the things that matter most?”
Pastors and Office Hours – Thom Rainer notes nine key issues about pastors and their office hours.
Alex Van Bibber – “Alex Van Bibber, an incredible Yukon trapper, just may have been the toughest man in Canada.” No kidding.
Pursuing Holiness – This month’s interview in Tabletalk magazine is with one of my favorite people: Jerry Bridges.
The Lost Art of Letter Writing – Here are 10 reasons to reclaim the lost art of letter writing.
Parents Undermined in Ontario Curriculum Plans – This is an important link for people who live in Ontario.