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A La Carte (December 19)

Today’s list of Kindle deals is worth a quick look if you collect books in that format.

Eight Reflections on 40 Years of Marriage

Thom Rainer gives eight reflections on 40 years of marriage. Also, congratulations to Thom and Nellie Jo!

Standing at the Red Sea’s Edge

LeRoy Wagner, who pastors a church down in Little Rock, and his wife Kimberly have become good friends to Aileen and me after we taught alongside them at a conference this summer. At that conference, LeRoy began experiencing some significant health problems.

How Your Digestive System Works (Video)

This is a neat explanatory video about the human digestive system.

Waiting Outside an Abortion Clinic Years Ago Was Worth It

“During those years of waiting in front of abortion clinics, I trusted that God would bring forth from my small efforts the fruit he saw fit. I was content to be obedient and faithful without reward. And yet, being offered just a sliver of that reward now, many years later, I am encouraged all the more to be faithful even in times when I don’t see visible fruit.”

Christmas Around the World

This is a neat post, compiling different Christmas traditions from several countries around the world.

What Does the Old Testament Say about the Trinity?

“There’s a whole set of traditional ways to find the Trinity in the Old Testament—and it’s kind of a mixed bag. Some of them provide a good demonstration of the elements of trinitarianism in the Old Testament. As soon as the Trinity is revealed in the New Testament and we have a clear revelatory statement about what’s going on in regards to the godhead, it throws a light back on the things we’ve seen in the Old Testament.”

What You Should Know About Net Neutrality

Net neutrality (short for “network neutrality”) refers to both a design principle and also laws that attempt to regulate and enforce that principle. The net neutrality principle is the idea that a public information network should aspire to treat all content, sites, and platforms equally. At its simplest, network neutrality is the idea that all internet traffic should be treated equally and that every website—from to—should all be treated the same when it comes to giving users the bandwidth to reach the internet-connected services they prefer.

Flashback: 4 Times In Life You Should Expect To Face Temptation

There are some times in life when you should be especially wary, when temptation is especially likely. Here are four times you should expect to face temptation.

Suffering dispels the illusion that we have the strength and competence to rule our own lives.

—Tim Keller

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