Re: Mark Driscoll – I really appreciated Jared Wilson’s article on Mark Driscoll. He says it well and with great care and kindness.
You Have Been Warned – Al Mohler responds to the controversy surrounding the show Duck Dynasty.
When Nothing Created Everything – Joe Carter has written what our culture has been missing for far too long—a creation story for young atheistic materialists. It’s more than a little clever.
Caught Between Two Worlds – This is a sweet article. “While the kids quietly play, an older woman across the room watches them. Her eyes sparkle yet are also strikingly sad. I wonder about her story. Eventually she walks over and, with a hesitant smile, shares how she’s been watching my three and how they are so beautiful and do I know I’m blessed?”
John Piper Quotes – Jamsco continues his series of unusual and funny John Piper quotes.
RefNet 2.0 – Ligonier Ministries has announced RefNet 2.0, an improved and expanded version of their 24-hour Internet radio.
Your Husband Looks at Porn: Now What? – Harry Schaumburg offers counsel on how to respond when your spouse is struggling or has been found out.