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A La Carte (December 18)


Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of options you may want to look at. Remember that Westminster Books has all their ESVs at 50% off through the end of the month.

(Yesterday on the blog: Would You Consider Supporting My Work As a Patron?)

What Does It Mean To Worship God “in Spirit”? (Video)

Here is Sinclair Ferguson’s answer.

In the Dark

This article reflects on the light of Christ breaking into the darkness.

Give the Gift of AGTV

Christmas is fast approaching, and what better way to love your friends and family than with sound, biblical teaching. You can gift someone the new streaming service, AGTV, for just $5.99 a month or $64.99 for a year, so they can watch films and documentaries like American Gospel, Luther, Calvinist, Christianity Explored, and Epic. (Sponsored)

One Weary Accord

Abigail Rehmert: “A certain carol lyric sang in my heart one day as I drove to work underneath a magical pink sunrise. Still several weeks before Thanksgiving, I wasn’t trying to meditate on Christmas, but I felt I had stumbled on something deeply meaningful for the coming season. Something to be shared. ‘A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.’ It turns out I wasn’t unique to claim this theme.”

IMB Commemorates The Service Of Single Female Missionaries

I enjoyed this brief overview of some of the particularly noteworthy IMB missionaries who served as single females. “Throughout the IMB’s 175-year history, single women have played groundbreaking, vital and pivotal roles in the advance of the gospel around the globe. Though we have many stories to tell, journey with us through a brief history of single women who have served with the IMB.”

How To Start Your Own Blog In 2021

Here is some straightforward guidance on beginning a blog if that’s on your list of things to do in 2021.

What It Means To Love Christ

Jim Elliff asks what it means to love Christ. Is it marked by feelings? By actions? Or by something else?

Flashback: The Gossip Rag of the Reformed World

I won’t rebrand, of course, but the point is, there could be a site dedicated only to gossip and people news that concerns our little corner of the Christian world. Worst of all, I think people might actually read it.

Were it not for tribulation I should not understand the Scriptures.

—Martin Luther

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