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A La Carte (December 15)


There’s a good-sized list of Kindle deals to look through today; it includes Joel Beeke’s neat little book on marriage, Ligonier’s book on false teaching, and my Epic.

(Yesterday on the blog: When All Seems To Be Gain, Plan For Loss)

The Evolution of Digital Third Spaces

Chris Martin has an interesting discussion here of the evolving digital “third spaces” among younger folk.

What Happens to Non-Christians Who Take the Lord’s Supper?

In this one John Piper responds to a couple of different questions about the Lord’s Supper. He doesn’t hold back.

Pornhub Removes Majority of Videos in a Victory for Exodus Cry

This really is a significant victory—a rare victory—in the battle against porn.

A Great Grandma 100 Times Over…and Counting

I thoroughly enjoyed this account of Elizabeth Vreugdenhil who just got to meet her 100th great-grandchild. Incredible!

Top 6 Sermons of 2020

The editorial team at TGC Africa has put together a list of their top six sermons of 2020. If you’d like to be introduced to some preachers you may not have heard before, you’ll appreciate the list. (I listened to Rodgers Atwebembeire’s this morning and was blessed by it.)

A Visiting Dawn

Chris Thomas: “I’ve grown to love the spaces in between. I haven’t always. And to be honest, I haven’t yet fully. Yet I love them more now than I once did. I think it is the experience of anticipation. It is the close of one chapter while the next is just over the page. It is the turning of the seasons, where the air smells suddenly different yet achingly the same. It is the hint of light in an otherwise dark night, long before the sun shatters the distant horizon.”

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Vance Christie tells how George Whitefield did us all a favor by ignoring one of Charles Wesley’s express requests.

Flashback: God Alone Can Save: A Prayer

“Lord, choose my words. Choose my weapons for me. And when I put my hand into the bag, and take out a stone and sling it, and carry it to the mark, make it sink—not into the forehead, but into the heart of the unconverted sinner.”

Choosing the cross over comfort is a requirement for following Christ.

—David Platt

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