Today’s Kindle deals include picks by D.A. Carson, C.S. Lewis, and several others. There are some good choices there.
I’ve often mentioned the Circle device for protecting your family online (my review). They’ve just updated the app with some excellent features that extend the functionality. Here are details on version 1.4.
Why My First Church Hire Was A Woman, And Yours Should Be Too
After visiting Niddrie Community Church and 20schemes in Edinburgh, I asked Mez McConnell to write this article and tell why he believes a church should (often) hire a woman as its first hire after the lead pastor.
Five Myths About the Ancient Heresy of Gnosticism
Gnosticism is the heresy that never dies. Michael Kruger address 5 common myths about it.
The Too Visible Church
Now here’s an interesting question: Can the visible church sometimes be too visible?
The Neuroscience of Imagination (Video)
“Imagine, for a second, a duck teaching a French class. A ping-pong match in orbit around a black hole. A dolphin balancing a pineapple. You probably haven’t actually seen any of these things. But you could imagine them instantly. How does your brain produce an image of something you’ve never seen? Andrey Vyshedskiy details the neuroscience of imagination.”
Healthy Churches Around the World
9Marks just released an entire series of articles talking about the state of the church in countries around the world. Use these articles to inform your prayers!
10 Things You should Know about God’s Omnipresence
Sam Storms continues his excellent “10 Things” series. There is probably lots you don’t know about God’s omnipresence!
This Day in 1823. 193 years ago today Anglican clergyman William W. How was born. How was known for his work among the poor in East London. He also wrote 50 hymns, including “For All the Saints” one of my absolute favorite hymns (especially this Indelible Grace version). *
Why Didn’t God Send Jesus Right After Adam and Eve Sinned?
Randy Alcorn takes a shot at answering a tricky question.
How Far Away Can You Get From Everybody Else? (Video)
Here’s the kind of question introverts ask.
Wondering if You’re the Next Pastor to Fall
Dave Harvey: “The plunge of any pastor represents the potential for every pastor. As we open the letter to read the news, we must accept the invitation to look at ourselves (1 Cor. 10 12). We must answer the offer to think. And if you’re a lead pastor, you must think hard, as if the future of your family and your church depends upon the outcome. After all, it might.”
Flashback: Evernote Owns Me
Evernote owns me. Evernote knows things about me that I myself have long since forgotten. Evernote is my external brain, my electronic memory. It is one of the best parts of living in a digital age and has quickly become one of my most indispensable electronic tools.