The Greatest Obstacle – “Most people think that sinning is the best way to happiness. Otherwise, why would so many spend their days figuring out how to sin bigger and better?” David Murray looks to Ralph Venning.
Moral Revolution at Warp Speed – Al Mohler: “Six months. That’s how long it took to get from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act to the decision of a Colorado judge ordering a Christian baker to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony. Just six months.”
Empty, Overcrowded, or Both? – This interactive map takes you to the world’s densest and most remote locales.
What Do You Think About the New Calvinism? – Kevin DeYoung shares some great thoughts about the New Calvinism.
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings – Justin Taylor commends an audio version of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and shows where you can get them cheap.
Colossians Paraphrase – Andy Naselli shares a 6-page paraphrase of the books of Colossians written by Murray Harris. He says, “Harris’s expanded paraphrase is worth reading slowly. It’s based on an enormous amount of Greek exegesis.”