The Spanish edition of Seasons of Sorrow (Estaciones de aflicción) is now available! I’m so thankful for the efforts of the translation team and am praying that the book makes its way to just the right people.
10 Bits of Wisdom from 10 Years of Socials
K.A. Ellis took a social media hiatus and returned with some bits of wisdom to share. They are worth reading, considering, and applying.
The World’s Easiest Theological Question
Michael Kruger: “Sometimes Jesus asks easy theological questions where the answer is obvious. Often he does this to make a point about the hardness of men’s hearts. As an example, he asks the Pharisees what may be the world’s easiest theological question…”
Engineers Make Great Missionaries
You may think that a career in missions means you would need to serve as a church planter or evangelist. This couldn’t be further from the truth. (Sponsored Link)
Pro-Gay Theology, the Film 1946, and the Multiverse
Alan Shlemon carries out a bit of a thought experiment in which he imagines that in 1946 the Bible translation committee for the RSV did not translate arsenokoitai as “homosexuals.” What difference might this have made?
Where Have All The Theologians Gone?
Mark Jones is concerned by the lack of first-class theologians today and suggests some of the possible reasons for this. “By ‘theologians,’ I do not mean it in the sense of ‘everyone’s a theologian’ but rather in the more technical sense concerning someone who is a trained theologian, a person who has distinguished themselves by their education, credentials, publications, and churchmanship.”
Themelios 48.2
Meanwhile, for those who are interested in doing some theological reading, there is a new issue of Themelios free for the taking.
Thirteen Years of Coming Back
Brianna has a sweet reflection on 13 years of marriage—13 years of coming back to one another.
Flashback: We Must, We Can, Bloom for Him
God has saved his people to display his glory and sing his praises in every time, every trial, every situation, every circumstance. No matter our surroundings, no matter our context, no matter our joys or sorrows, we must, and by his grace we can, bloom for him.