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A La Carte (August 9)


There’s yet another solid list of Kindle deals to explore today. We’re spoiled!

I happened to notice Amazon has lots of back-to-school supplies on sale today in case that’s of interest.

(Yesterday on the blog: If I Was the World’s Only Christian…)

Complementarianism, the regulative principle

I really appreciate much of what Stephen says here about the regulative principle, complementarianism, and our tendency to conflate elements and forms.

Songs of Suffering: A Short Film Featuring Joni Eareckson Tada

You may enjoy this short film featuring Joni Eareckson Tada.

Give Him Your Acorns

Brianna’s illustration is a really good one!

Bored with Christianity?

“I love starting new books: the new beginnings, the crisp pages, the fresh ideas that I cannot wait to dive into. There is something about the weight of a large tome which tempts me to tackle a big reading project. But as much as I love starting books like this, I do have a problem finishing them.” What is true of our reading can also be true of our faith.

Why Did My Life Have to Be Hard?

Mark Talbot: “If you were to ask me what I take to be among Scripture’s most comforting passages, my answer may surprise you: Psalm 90 and Ecclesiastes.”

Thoughts on Becoming a Pastor (Again)

Jared Wilson shares some thoughts on becoming a pastor (again).

Flashback: We Must, We Can, Bloom for Him

No matter what unfolds around us and no matter what is done to us, we are able to bloom for him—to display the truest love, the greatest gentleness, the highest reaches of Christian character.

The faith that fizzles at the finish was faulty at the first.

—Adrian Rogers

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