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A La Carte (August 9)


Today’s Kindle deals include some solid picks.

Westminster Books has a sale on the excellent Tyndale OT and NT commentaries. It’s an ideal set for almost any purpose.

Bonhoeffer Convinced Me to Abandon My Dream

There’s a lot to think about here. “The pastor’s first call is not to envision a church but to receive one. We lead by discerning how Christ is forming a community and by being one of the first to accept that fellowship with gratitude. The pastor is not an entrepreneur. We are called to a project already underway. So, I would like to offer a dramatically reinterpreted concept of pastoral vision: True visionary leadership is being first to recognize what God has already formed.”

The 20 most amazing and astounding facts from the Year of the Home Run

It has been (and is being) an interesting year for baseball.

Why We Do It: The Convictions of a Pregnancy Care Centre

I know and appreciate both this author and the organization he writes about. “The work of a Pregnancy Care Centre is neither easy nor popular. The women with unexpected pregnancies who seek our assistance often face immense emotional, financial, social, and spiritual pressures to choose abortion. Supporting them and enabling them to face these pressures requires a tremendous investment of time and energy and emotion from highly dedicated staff and a large network of volunteers and supporters.”

Iris and Oscar

I thoroughly enjoyed this article. “Iris was a couple of months pregnant when Mum met her. A couple of months pregnant and desperate. Mum wasn’t pregnant, but she was desperate. Desperate enough to try out the Four Square Pentecostal Church in Fremantle, following the collapse of her marriage when Dad walked out on her.”

How Not to Fall Away

Josh Harris has provoked a lot of soul-searching since telling the world that he’s no longer a Christian. “Harris’ recent announcement is particularly troubling. It is hard when a seemingly humble and genuine follower of Jesus, a gifted author, and a pastor of a large congregation falls out of love with the God of Scripture and renounces the faith. It is impossible to say whether Harris’s rejection of the Christian faith is evidence of an unregenerate heart or of serious backsliding of a true Christian. Still, this is a learning moment for us.”

I Tried Hiding From Silicon Valley in a Pile of Privacy Gadgets

The main point of this one is to show just how hard it is to retain any kind of privacy in today’s world.

Most Growth Will Be Slow Growth

“Some of us consider leaving the road to heaven not mainly because we are tempted by the world, nor because we are tried by suffering, but because we are just plain tired. Tired of daily self-denial. Tired of taking two steps forward and one step back. Tired of walking on a road that feels endless, toward a city we cannot see. Disillusioned and exhausted, many sit down on the path, not sure if they will get back up again”

Flashback: The Mark of the Most Successful Worship Leaders

A worship leader serves his congregation best when he chooses songs they can sing and sing well.

Trusting in Jesus Christ my Savior, there is still a blessed quietness in the deep caverns of my soul, though upon the surface, a rough tempest may be raging, and there may be little apparent calm.

—Charles Spurgeon

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