Today’s Kindle deals include a few good titles, though many of them go on sale quite often. Sinclair Fergusons To Seek and to Save is, of course, worth checking out.
Westminster Books has a deal on volumes of the ESV Expository Commentary which is establishing itself as an excellent series.
It’s Ok To Disagree Sometimes
“Disagreement is often a good thing. Not overt division and infighting, but disagreement. I am painfully aware that if I got my way on every stupid and ill thought through idea I ever had, I would either burn out, get the sack or have no church left! I need other people around me to keep me from my own stupidity and, more importantly, from the worst excesses of my sinful heart. That’s not to say I’m wrong all (or most) the time necessarily, but I’m definitely not right all the time. None of us ever are!”
5 Questions about the Psalms
Douglas Sean O’Donnell has a helpful series of questions and answers about the psalms.
The Difference Between Christian Grace and Mormon Grace
This is a good look at Mormonism’s understanding of grace. “Words matter. Ideas have consequences. In the years that I have been engaging Mormons about matters of faith, I’ve learned to define terms very carefully. Christians and Mormons use many of the same terms: ‘grace’, ‘heaven’, ‘Jesus’, ‘God’, ‘salvation’ and many more. But when the definitions of these terms are examined, it’s apparent that we are talking about extremely different ideas. These differences matter. They separate Mormons and Christians and demonstrate that we are not worshipping the same God.”
Raising Children in a Success Obsessed World
Parents would do well to read this one. “High school graduation is a wonderful high point in a teen’s life. Even after 22 years of teaching, I am always amazed at the transformation four years brings in the life of my students. But this year, as I watched them cross that stage, I was both impressed and bothered.”
4 Distinctives Of A Christian View Of Race
Jesse Johnson says that as “BlackLivesMatter, White-Fragility, and White-Privilege become flash points in our society, and as entire organizations have grown up around the concept of ‘racial reconciliation’ it is critical to remember that Christians should think differently than the world on the topic of race.”
A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory
This is a long article from Tim Keller that offers a biblical critique of secular justice and Critical Theory. Even if you don’t care to read the whole thing, perhaps go down to the section marked “4. Postmodern–’Power’” and read both the description and quick biblical analysis there.
Tom Hanks Film Greyhound Reminds Us That Church Leadership Is A Relentless Battle To Protect God’s People From False Teachers
“CS Forrester must have realised, convoy escort duty is a good parallel for the work of Christian ministry. Pastors and leaders are called to protect their flock from the attacks of the enemy, and ensure that they reach their destination safely. We are locked into a fierce spiritual battle, in which Satan seeks to destroy the church through false teachers who deny or change the gospel message. The Bible depicts them as ravenous wolves who want to devour the sheep.”
Flashback: 10 Issues To Work Through Before You Get Married
While courtship and engagement is, of course, the time to plan a wedding, it is also the time to plan a marriage. Here, drawn from the work of Jim Newheiser, is a list of issues to work through before you get married.