May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
This week at Westminster Books you’ll find $80 off the complete set of Christopher Ash’s great new commentary on the Psalms.
You will want to check once again for Kindle deals as I continue to add them day by day. Today you’ll find Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Jesus and several reader-friendly commentaries. I happen to know there’s a good batch coming tomorrow as well.
Have You Thought Much About the Urim and Thummim?
You probably haven’t thought much about the Urim and Thummim, but as Darryl explains here, you might benefit from doing so.
Jesus Is the Way to Sanity This Election Season
“Jesus is ruling and reigning now and forever. His rule has no term limits. We can rejoice because there will never be a day when he is not on the throne. I’m not suggesting that Christians stay out of the political arena, though I respect one’s right to do so and have heard good reasons why one might. My great aim is to remind us that our political candidates aren’t Jesus and can’t deliver us the way Jesus can.”
Don’t Miss #MISSIONARYCON24! Register Here
Come and see how the Lord is building His Church around the world. Join John Piper, Sinclair Ferguson, Conrad Mbewe, Kevin DeYoung, Steven Lawson, and others, as well as missionaries from around the world on October 16-18 in Jacksonville, FL. Discounted rates end August 16. (Sponsored)
Am I Gay?
Here is a compassionate and truthful response to the young person who is wondering whether he or she is gay.
We Can’t Come Down
I’m not very invested in the online kerfuffle about Megan Basham’s new book but do appreciate this perspective on it as it pertains to local church pastors who already have so much to think about and care about. “Because I’m a pastor in the middle of Missouri, I want to address myself to normal Christian leaders like me. Those who hardly match Basham’s description of corrupt sellouts, but nonetheless fear that Basham’s splashy political project may cause ordinary people to lose trust in good churches and good leaders. Those who cannot help but wonder, is this it?“
Follow the Truth, Not Your Heart
It’s amazing how prominent the “follow your heart” ideology has extended within our culture. “Last month, I led a group of sixty high school students on a New Age worldview mission trip to northern Arizona. The students had completed fourteen weeks of training in worldview and apologetics. They were ready, equipped to converse with others about Christianity and truth.”
Looking Back, Can We Find Joy in the Worst Times?
Lois explores how some of the worst times can also be among our best times. “I’m not trying to convince anyone that their worst year wasn’t terrible. Nor am I suggesting that they will ever stop thinking of it as the worst, for any number of reasons. Some losses are so deep and profound that the pain never goes away. But if you are grieving, I encourage you to hold fast to the truth I experienced—you won’t always feel how you are feeling today.”
Flashback: Sometimes “Love Your Enemy” Means “Love Your Spouse”
We can very quickly let our marriages slide into a kind of transactional relationship where instead of thinking first about what we can give, we think first about what we can get. We give so we can get back, and give only to the degree we receive.