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A La Carte (August 6)


Grace and peace to you today.

You’ll find a nice little collection of books on the Kindle deals page today.

Is All Work Equal? Yes and No

Daniel Doriani: “At this moment, two contradictory ideas about work compete for our attention. On one hand, economists say the desire to work is waning. People aren’t rushing to return to work after the disruptions of Covid. Specifically, employers can’t obtain laborers for entry level jobs. People would rather be unemployed than accept a job with low pay, poor benefits, and no prospects. Meanwhile, the church, and especially the faith and work movement, enthusiastically promotes the dignity and value of all labor.”

Strength for the Weary

“As I sat with the mid-week church group, the people around me had no idea how I felt. What they saw was a man dress in business casual who had just come from a day of work, and he had a smile on his face. What they did not know was I was forcing that smile.”

NASB Adventure Bible Sweepstakes – Enter to Win!

Enter for your chance to win a NASB Adventure Bible, Hardcover. The New American Standard Bible, 1995 Text edition of the bestselling Adventure Bible® will get kids excited about God’s Word with full-color features that make reading Scripture and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. No purchase necessary. Open to US residents only 18 and older. Runs August 2, 2021 through August 16, 2021. Void where prohibited. Official rules available here. (Sponsored Link)

Dogma Drives the Christian Life

Carl Trueman says that “Progressive ideology has one thing in common with the law of God: As James 2:10 says of the latter, he who fails in one part is guilty of failing in all parts. Selective wokeness will not gain you immunity from the social justice wrath to come.”

Don’t Feel Sorry for or Fear for Your Kids; Raise Them up to Walk in Faith

I had been planning to write an article like this, so was glad to see it on Randy Alcorn’s blog.

Why You Always Feel Frazzled

What if we saw productivity not as getting stuff done but as keeping our promises?

Ask the Forbidden Question in Bible Study

J.A. Medders wants us to ask the forbidden question in Bible study: What does this verse mean to me?

Flashback: Fractured Christians

In our minds and hearts, we can partition God, embracing the qualities we like while rejecting the qualities we dislike. We can be fractured Christians, speaking glorious facts even while feeling bitter resentment.

Obedience to Christ’s commands may not always begin with joy, but it will end with joy.

—Glenna Marshall

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