Westminster books has some deals on Lexham Press books. My top picks would be The Care of Souls, Piercing Heaven, and Jesus Wins.
There are just a couple of Kindle deals today.
Leadership Savvy Doesn’t Make a Pastor
“For all those lessons, I never quite became the leader I’d imagined, and it never seemed to pay back what it promised. I also began to recognize that my leadership ambitions eclipsed my desire to shepherd souls. This is the great cost of our leadership obsession: we’re too often left with an anemic interest in what it means to be a pastor.”
The Panopticon Is Already Here
This is a long, fascinating, and alarming article from The Atlantic that describes the rise of AI in China.
The Sing! Global 2020 conference is coming up fast and Summer registration will end at midnight on Thursday. Motivated by the urgent need to build deep believers in the 21st century, this four-day event is for pastors, church leaders or ANYONE who wants to better understand what God requires worship of us, and has been completely reimagined as an immersive digital experience. It will bring together an array of over 100 Christian leaders and artists from around the world such as John Piper, Tim Challies, Trip Lee, Alistair Begg, Joni Tada and many others to examine how Scripture transforms worship in families and churches. Register before midnight Thursday with the code CHALLIES and save an extra 20%. (Sponsored)
By The Way, They Will Not Listen To You!
Jordan Standridge is reflecting on Ezekiel’s ministry, and his own. “If someone had told me, as I made plans to come to Italy, that I would spend 50 years preaching but no one would ever come to know Christ, do you think I would come? Do you think I would raise the funds, and move my wife and four kids here? Do you think I could convince anyone to support me if we all knew this to be the case? Probably not. But it’s fascinating to consider the thought that it would still all be worth it!”
Teaching Church History to Children
The recent iconoclasm has given Simonetta Carr reason to consider how and why we teach church history to children. “When some deface statues of abolitionists in an effort to speak against racism, while others defend the past by keeping it under a veil of comfortable silence, we wonder what happened to sound reason. To resurrect reason, we need a serious commitment to honesty, humility, and hope in our study of history—and in how we present that history to our children.”
If These Reasons Wouldn’t Justify Killing a Kitten, Why Would They Justify Abortion?
It’s tragic that many people would never do to a kitten what they do to a [preborn] child. “For most of my life, I have been unabashedly and unflinchingly pro-choice. For many years, I saw abortion as little more than another form of birth control. Today, I am pro-life. What changed my mind? It wasn’t my conversion to Christianity…”
What I Almost Said
“Somehow we have come to a place where virtue-signaling has replaced actual virtue. Where shouting our opinions has replaced speaking God’s truth in love. Where winning an argument is more important than winning the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus.”
Would a Loving God Purposely Wound Us Through Trials?
Randy Alcorn says he would…
Flashback: Condone, Condemn, or Mourn?
…we will mourn over the sins and wickedness of our nation and will pray most urgently that, just as we want God to be merciful to us, so we want Him to be merciful to our nation as a whole.