The Longest Brooding Period – “Researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have observed a deep-sea octopus brooding its eggs for four and one half years—longer than any other known animal.”
2 Bible Belt Filmmakers – “It’s the Hollywood ending every studio wants: Low-cost production and high returns at the box office.” Christian films are showing the ability to do that very thing.
This Is What Anne Frank’s Arrest Looked Like – Here’s an excellent article on the tragic life and death of Anne Frank.
Feelings Are Real – “I don’t have anything against feelings. They are a gift from God. But I’m grateful that early on in my Christian life I heard a truth that helped me immensely: Feelings are real but they are not necessarily the truth.”
Mini Sermons For the Soul to Sing – Yes! “I’ve come to enjoy thinking of the great hymns of the church as ‘mini sermons for the soul to sing.’ This is one of the main reasons why we should study, cherish and preserve hymn-singing in our churches.”
A Fine Line – I enjoyed this article from Aimee Byrd. And this line: “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore looking like an idiot.”