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A La Carte (August 31)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a good commentary and C.S. Lewis’ entire space trilogy for one low price.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Space)

The Parachurch in Light of the Church

Jared Wilson: “My new friend fumbled around for an answer. It turned out he was more of a ‘freelancer.’ He had a very clear idea about how his work would benefit the Church with a capital C, the universal church. But he was less clear on how it served any particular body. And therein lies an important matter for the future viability of many parachurch models and the churches they aim to support.”

The Gold Mine in the Local Church

This article encourages you to look for the gold mine that can be found in the local church.

Small Acts of Faithfulness

“Why am I so concerned about personal success?’ I crave accolades for my teaching, mentoring, writing, even my ministry in the church. I long for and expect God to use me in big ways. But what I’m realizing is that God is not interested in what we think of as success. In fact, he most often loves to use weak, obscure people to accomplish his purposes.”

The Liturgy Of Social Media

What is the liturgy of social media, how does it form us. That’s the question this article answers.

Hell and the Lake of Fire?

George Sinclair says, “I was part of the Anglican Church of Canada for many years. This sometimes led me into some odd and surprising conversations. Once I was at a day-long ‘teaching’ event. During one of the breaks, a fellow sought me out in conversation. Given some of the things I had said in our small discussion group, he suspected that I was, in his language, a fundamentalist.”

Why You Should Preach the “Family Gospel”

Kendra Dahl: “My parents endured several years of suffering as I wandered away from my faith. My feelings towards God ranged from ambivalence to hostility as I questioned everything I’d been taught to accept as true. But even as they prayed for me and spoke the truth to me, calling me to repentance and faith, they also did something else. They made sure I knew I could always come home.”

Flashback: War, Women, and Wealth

God, through his Word, calls us to find our reputation and protection in him, to be strong in him even if that makes us weak in the eyes of the world.

‘Fear NOT.’ There is no qualification, no exception, no modification; it is as plain a command as, ‘Thou shalt not steal.’

—Frances Ridley Havergal

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