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A La Carte (August 30)

Today’s Kindle deals include : Reading God’s Story by George Guthrie; Delighting in the Law of the Lord by Jerram Barrs; Embracing Obscurity by Anonymous; The Gospel Commission by Michael Horton; A Model of Christian Maturity by D.A. Carson; Managing Your Family’s High Tech Habits by Arnie Cole. You know where to find them.

10 Things You Should Know About Male Headship

Sam Storms rounds ’em up.

Don’t Waste Your Basal Ganglia

Timmy Brister: “Have you ever heard of your basal ganglia? Yeah, me neither. But I’m telling you now, and I beg you, please do not waste your basal ganglia. Let me explain why.”

The Muslim Who Walked from Somalia to Attend My Christian Son’s Funeral

I was glad to see this article from Nik Ripken posted to Fox News. “I have never been quite so humbled, and I have never seen such a demonstration of friendship. I couldn’t help but wonder if most Christians I knew would make such an effort to mourn with a Muslim family whose heart was as broken as ours?”

Take a Course with R.C. and Me

I wanted to remind you about this course that R.C. Sproul is teaching and I am moderating. We’d love to have you join!

The World’s Strangest Borders

I really enjoy this videos about the strange realities of our world.

How Reliable Is Your Conscience?

Conscience is an area of theology that has received too little attention!

This Day in 1900. 116 years ago today Boxer rebels in China executed missionaries Willie and Helen Peat, their children and associates. *

A Back to School Prayer

Melissa Kruger: “As my children spend less time in my presence, I am thankful that I can bring all my concerns and cares before the Lord in prayer.”

Don’t Drive Slowly in the Left Lane

This video illustrates why it’s a bad (and dangerous, even) idea to drive slowly in the left lane.

Flashback: Why You Should Not Wear a Crucifix

Crucifixes have long been a fixture in Roman Catholic worship. But in the past few years I have begun to see more and more Protestants wearing them as well, exchanging their empty cross for one that contains an image of the suffering Savior.

The wisest counsel is worthless if it goes disregarded.

—Jeremy Walker

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