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A La Carte (August 29)


Some books go on sale on a regular basis, but today’s Kindle deals are of a rarer kind. You may want to get them while the getting’s good!

On a different note, you may be interested in checking out His Mercy Is More: The Hymns Of Matt Boswell And Matt Papa. You’ll find lots to sing along to!

(Yesterday on the blog: Faithful: The Story of Dr. Charles Woodrow & Grace Missions Ministries)

One Woman’s Legacy

I loved reading Onize Ohikere’s profile of Mary Slessor for WORLD magazine. I didn’t know that Slessor’s house remains open as a museum! It was on my list of potential locations for my EPIC project, but I wasn’t able to find out if there was a museum there or any historical objects. Nigeria is on my list of places I’d love to visit and, when I do, I need to get to Calabar!

Aspire to Live Quietly

1 Thessalonians 4 is one of my favorite and most formative chapters. “Be honest, do you love the conflict? Do you love the argument? If so, be insignificant on social media and preserve your soul. For what use is it to you if you gain all the world’s likes but lose your soul?”

Stock Market Volatility and “The Prudent Man Rule”

There’s some solid financial advice in this one. “In light of all this uncertainty, what is a wise steward to do? Well, I want to introduce you to something called the ‘Prudent Man Rule.’ It sounds like something right out of the Bible, but it isn’t. As we shall see, it does align with some biblical principles.”

Missionary Memes: Tea Bags and Coffins

“Some stories seem too good to be true. Some seem too good not to be true. Both seem too good not to be told over and over again. Here are a couple I’m thinking you’ve heard before.” Have you? And if so, can you verify or disprove them?

8 Ways to Impact Your Community By Blessing Local Schools

“There are many ways for a church to have a lasting impact on its local community. Perhaps one of the most profound ways is through local schools.” What a great idea!

The Most Gender-Switched Names in US History

I found this strangely interesting—names that have switched between male and female over the years.

10 Spiritual Benefits of Journaling

“I am so glad I have kept a journal since my youth. There are many blessings to be gained from the simple act of jotting down one’s thoughts each day. I thought about the ways in which journaling has benefitted me spiritually and so, in the hopes of inspiring you to begin journaling or encourage you to keep going, I here offer 10 spiritual benefits of journaling.”

Flashback: Is It Time To Go Back to The Heart of Worship?

What got lost along the way is that the heart of worship is not a great band, a perfect key change, or a soaring chorus, but human voices lifted together to God…If all we can hear is the band, we’ve completely missed the point.

If we regularly ponder the depth of our own sinfulness, like the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, and consider the greater depth of God’s forgiveness, we will grow in our love for him.

—Paul Tautges

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