Banner of Truth Ebooks – Better late than never, right? Banner of Truth has just released their first ebooks and they include The Valley of Vision. While we’re talking books, check out the weekly deals from Westminster Books; many of them are geared to students.
5 Phone Charging Myths, Debunked – I think I’ve heard all of these myths at one time or another.
Never Resist the Urge to Pray – Summer must be over because Erik Raymond has returned from his blogging vacation. This is good news, because he was posting some great articles back in May and June.
9 Questions to Help You Steward All of Life for God’s Glory – “If the law of God can be summarized in a positive command, then we consider how to ‘run to’ God rather than merely how to ‘run from’ sin. Life is not primarily about what we avoid, but what we pursue.”
The One Thing My Mother Would Not Let Me Become – As a Canadian, I have been watching the reaction to the situation in Ferguson with some interest and very little comprehension. I found Thabiti Anyabwile’s most recent article very eye-opening. (On the same theme, here’s a perspective from an African-American who was formerly a police officer.)
7 Smartphone Photography Tips & Tricks – If you’ve got a smartphone in your pocket or purse (and you probably do), you may appreciate these tips and tricks.