Brave and Afraid and Heading Down the Longest Road – This longform article at The Boston Globe gives a glimpse of life and family affected by mental illness.
Gospel in Life – Gospel in Life is a new site that brings together resources from Tim Keller.
God’s Great Dance Floor – This is an interesting look at modern worship music and the influence of electronic dance music.
Dealing with Digital Cruelty – There’s a bit of psychobabble in this one, but the heart of the article is interesting. The author tries to figure out why people are so mean when they go online and what we can do when people are cruel to us.
Cultivating Your Marriage – Randy Alcorn: “Lust thrives on secrecy. There is nothing that defuses lust as effectively as exposure. Honest communication between husband and wife makes them allies, not adversaries.”
On Platforms, Self-Promotion, and Pleasure Complete – This is a good one from Timmy Brister.
Holiness in what we call small matters, is the surest test of real holiness.
—Andrew Bonar