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A La Carte (August 24)


The Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

There are a few new Kindle deals today.

If you prefer printed books and would like something for younger readers, perhaps take a look at today’s deal from Westminster Books.

What’s the Deal with BeReal?

You may well have heard of the app BeReal (especially if you have teens). Chris Martin takes a look at it here and tries to help parents better understand its potential strengths and weaknesses.

Saturday Night Lights

“Any Nebraskan can describe the scene to you: It’s a fall Saturday in Lincoln, the state capital. 90,000+ people have descended on city campus at the University of Nebraska to see a football game at Memorial Stadium, the large stadium built in 1923 to honor Nebraskans who died in the Civil War, Spanish American War, and World War I.” I really enjoyed this explanation and appreciation of Nebraska’s fixation on college football.

How can I be sure I’m saved? (Video)

Derek Thomas offers a helpful answer to a very common question.

Praying Down Divine Blessing

“Lately, I have been impressed with the fact that prayer is arguably the most important need for the sustenance, vitality, and continuance of the church. A prayerless church is a powerless church. A prayerless congregation will trend toward becoming a loveless congregation. A prayless people will ultimately become a self-reliant people.”

Why Does Justice Matter?

It’s important that as we dispute matters related to social justice, we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater and neglect true justice—an issue about which the Bible has much to say.

Does God Actually Get Angry? Why He Reveals Himself in Human Terms

Mark Jones: “What are Christians to make of these declarations of God? Is God eternally unchangeable in his being, or does he, like humans, have the capacity to change? Can God really experience distress or learn something new? What does it mean for God, who is Spirit, to ‘get angry’? Does God really need to ask Adam where he is, as if he can’t find him?”

Flashback: Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener

Good communication and healthy relationships depend upon not only on hearing the words other people say, but on carefully listening to what they mean to communicate. To listen is to love.

If faithfulness to God is not our measure of success, then the world’s expectations will become our standard.

—Bryan Chapell

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