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A La Carte (August 24)

Today’s Kindle deals include 3 from Christian Focus: A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament by Alec Motyer, A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Papacy by Leonardo De Chirico, and A Little Bird Told Me by Timothy Cross. Then there are several from Zondervan as well: How God Became Jesus by Michael Bird, What’s Best Next by Matt Perman, How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth by Gordon Fee, Visit the Sick by Brian Croft, and more. You can find them all here.

Westminster Books has a deal on The Biggest Story, a book (and now DVD) for kids by Kevin DeYoung. They’ve got several other great kids’ books marked down as well.

We Have Been Warned

Rod Dreher comments on “an extraordinarily important column laying out the future for Christians who reject the Sexual Revolution in its latest form.” He links to an article by Denny Burk that is also worth reading.

In Praise of Low-Budget, Non-Professional Music Ministries

Mark Dever describes the music ministry at his church and why they joyfully keep it low-budget and non-professional.

The Difference Between God’s Adoption and Ours

Here’s a brief, sweet article on the vast difference between God’s adoption and our own.

Ministry Is Discouragement

This is an honest and ultimately encouraging article from Guy Richard.

8K New York

Get thee to thy biggest and best screen to watch this phenomenal 8K (is that even a thing?) timelapse of New York City. You’ll want to full-screen and HD it.

This Day in 1456. 560 years ago today volume two of the Gutenberg Bible was bound, making it the first full-length book to be printed using movable type.

Wait to Date Until You Can Marry

We are beginning to have these conversations with our children.

13 Reasons You Are Precious To God

Mark Altrogge briefly rounds them up.

Legroom on Major Airlines

I suspect your interest in this graphic will vary proportionally with your height. It shows how much space you’re paying for when you book that airline ticket.

Flashback: Flipping God the Bird

I think we understand humanity best when we understand that human beings are born with our middle finger extended toward God. We grow up with our middle finger extended toward God. We die with our middle finger extended toward God. At least we do unless God intervenes and lowers it by his grace.


We do not love to learn that we can do nothing without Christ.

—J.C. Ryle

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