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A La Carte (August 23)


There is just one new Kindle deal today. But if you buy it, send in your receipt and you’ll receive the audiobook for free.

Westminster Books has some back-to-school deals (for whether you’re going back to grade school or back to seminary or anywhere in between).

Practicing the Power

You will benefit from reading this careful review of Sam Storms’ book which advocates blending Reformed and charismatic theology. “This book is better classified as a field manual on how to actually do what Reformed continuationists say they believe. It’s a book written to help Christians implement the practice of all the gifts, especially the sign gifts, of the Holy Spirit in their local church. Hence the title: Practicing the Power.”

When Did Churches Stop Baptizing by Immersion?

“Most of the students I teach seem to assume that the practice of immersion was already long-forgotten by the time of the Reformation—but this assumption doesn’t fit the historical facts. The facts are considerably more complex, but this much is clear: baptism by immersion was far from forgotten in the Western church in the era of the Reformation.”

The Trinity Debate Two Years On

Denny Burk reflects on the great Trinity debate a couple of years on.

Is Anyone Godly Enough To Be a Pastor?

“The man called to ministry isn’t some kind of super Christian who lives by a higher code. He is simply a called man with gifts. And these gifts enable him to lead God’s people with a grace that empowers him to be an example.” Indeed.

Your Husband’s Porn Problem is Not About You

This happens so often and is always so tragic. “I could see it in her face. In her posture. In her balled fists and her furrowed brow. She was wondering why she wasn’t enough for her husband. She was trying to wrap her troubled mind around what this discovery means about her marriage, about her husband’s love for her, about her physical appearance and her sex life. She was trying to decide how to think about what she could only describe as a betrayal. And she was desperately searching for someone who could explain it all to her.”

Why Our Need to Sleep is a Theological Issue

“Instead of working hours without end, get up in the morning and faithfully work during the day. When you are done, come home, eat, and relax with your family. Read a good book or sit down and have a conversation. Then at the end of the day, go to bed and get the sleep you require. You will wake up in the morning to find that God was working even when you weren’t. And he proved equal to the task.”

The Maker of the Maker of Middle-earth

I had hoped to see this exhibit, but was in Oxford too early in the year. “The exhibit downplays Tolkien’s religious commitment so completely that it is well-nigh invisible. Yet Christianity was a constant presence throughout his life, and not just in a nominal or cultural sense: Tolkien really believed, and his faith permeated his work.” That’s a serious and unfortunate omission.

Flashback: When It’s Time To Remember All the Stupid Things You’ve Said

When you hear how others have spoken idly of you, don’t over-react. A moment’s reflection will remind you that you’ve done the very same thing a million times over.

A guilty conscience is a great blessing, but only if it drives us to come home.

—John Stott

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