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A La Carte (August 23)


Today’s Kindle deals include : God’s Love by R.C. Sproul; 7 Truths that Changed the World by Kenneth Samples; Preparing Evangelistic Sermons by Ramesh Richard; and In Defense of the Bible by Terry Wilder.

Logos 7

I mentioned yesterday that Logos 7 has released. This article by Morris Proctor (a Logos guru) jumps into one of the 7 major new features. (Also, Andy Naselli shares a brief expression of confidence in the software and the people behind it.)

What Media Get Wrong About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that they get nearly everything wrong. “A major new report, published today in the journal The New Atlantis, challenges the leading narratives that the media has pushed regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Pastoring People Who Are Smarter Than You

I think most pastors have dealt with this fear before. “I won’t feign humility by falsely degrading my own abilities (though to be honest, in my weaker and more insecure moments I have), but in a comparison of intellectual horsepower, I don’t measure up to the academic achievements of many of my parishioners.”

Thousands Leave Norwegian Church as Online Registration Backfires

Here’s a strange story: “The internet makes everything easier. Sit down at your computer for half an hour, and you can pay your bills, order dinner—and, now, leave the Lutheran Church of Norway, all in just a few clicks.”

Grateful for the Wait

Randy Alcorn: “Barbara Brown Taylor phrased it, ‘What kind of God allows the innocent to suffer while the wicked pop their champagne corks and sing loud songs?’ We may say, ‘Yes, Lord, we accept your wisdom in permitting evil and suffering for a season—but enough is enough. Why do you let it continue?’”

Does Your Pastor Love You?

Here’s a good way to tell.

This Day in 1828. 188 years ago today Carl Gutzlaff and Jacob Tomlin became the first Protestant missionaries to set foot in Thailand. *

Contentment and Providence

“How fragile is your contentment? How much of your life—or how little—would have to change for you to plunge into frustrated, joyless discontent?” John MacArthur offers encouragement.

The Optimal U.S. National Parks Centennial Road Trip

Some day I’ll do this, though I should probably work through the Canadian parks first.

Flashback: 9 Parenting Truths from John Piper

Here are some important parenting truths from John Piper.

In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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