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A La Carte (August 22)

Today’s Kindle deals include : Look and Live by Matt Papa (a personal favorite!); Decision Making and the Will of God by Garry Friesen; A Shelter in the Time of Storm and Whiter than Snow by Paul Tripp; Journey to Joy by Josh Moody; and Seeking the Face of God by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. You can get them at the Kindle Deals for Christians page.

Logos 7

There is big news for Logos users: Logos 7 launches today! There is going to be a special live event from 8 to noon PST that will include product demos and interviews with experts.

Christian Judge Fights to Keep Job

This will be a case to watch as it may prove yet another bellwether: “The Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics has asked the high court to remove Judge Ruth Neely, the Pinedale municipal judge and part-time circuit court magistrate, from office, ban her for life from the Wyoming judiciary, and fine her $40,000. Her offense? In response to a reporter’s question, Neely stated her Christian perspective on marriage precluded her from officiating a same-sex wedding.”

The Next 500 Years

Ligonier Ministries 2017 National Conference promises to be a good one. It also features a very interesting group of speakers that includes Michael Reeves, Augustus Lopes, Sinclair Ferguson, Al Mohler, John MacArthur, Stephen Tong, Alistair Begg, and Michael Horton. (There are also a number of breakout sessions, one of which I’ll be hosting.)

A Carnival Attraction That Saved Thousands of Premature Babies

The Smithsonian has a strange, fascinating tale of a man who ran a carnival attraction that was actually designed to save lives.

With Love, Your Single Daughter

The blogosphere has generated a lot of discussion about singleness. But of all I’ve read, this is one of my absolute favorites.

The Dark Side of Going for Gold

The Atlantic writes about the huge letdown that can come after the Olympics, even for those who have the greatest success. “More than 11,000 Olympic athletes will leave Rio, some carrying medals, others lugging the weight of falling short of expectations. Despite their varying degrees of success, many will have the same surprise waiting for them back home: a feeling that life suddenly seems ordinary.” (How much better is it to have the faith of David Boudia and Steele Johnson who gladly tell of their identity in Christ.)

This Day in 1670. 346 years ago today John Eliot founded an Indian church at Martha’s Vineyard with Indians Hiacoomes and Tackanash appointed as pastor and teacher. *

Keep Teenagers Weird

Samuel James keeps writing some very interesting think pieces, like this one. “The loudness and busyness of most evangelical student ministry programming might actually be reinforcing the very worldly liturgies it’s trying to contest.”

Iceland and the Trials of 21st Century Tourism

This is a very, very interesting deep-dive into Iceland’s ascendency as a tourist destination. As with so many other people, Iceland is definitely on my bucket list. Read the article and you’ll have the joy of encountering some people with pretty impressive names like Guðrún Þórisdóttir and Ólöf Ýrr Atladóttir.

Flashback: Remembering the Christian Bookstore

Bookstores have fallen on hard times. Christian bookstores have fallen on especially hard times. Of all the industries utterly savaged by the rise of the Internet, e-commerce and digital distribution, books and music, the mainstays of Christian bookstores, are right near the top of that list. The consumer’s win has been the bookstore’s loss.

There is no way back to innocence. In the Bible, there is only a way forwardto the cross.

—D.A. Carson

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