Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
(Yesterday on the blog: How To Pray For Someone Who Is Dying)
Can the World Cup deliver on community and transcendence?
Here’s a look at how sports can promise something like transcendence but how it will always fail to ultimately deliver.
If it’s not in the Bible, you really don’t have to do it
A helpful reminder: “There are many things that may or may not be helpful. Many things that we might think would benefit us in some way. Many things that it might be good for us to do in our community, for our community, and that may in some way serve the cause the gospel. All these things you are a free to do. They may even be good to do. But it pays to remember, you are finite and if Jesus hasn’t specifically asked you to do them, you are equally free not to do them.”
Why The Briefing?
This is a fun little behind-the-scenes glance at Al Moher’s “The Briefing.”
I Thought You Should Know, Again
Here is another of Kristin’s helpful reflections on the gospel and the Christian life.
“God Knows I Love You”
“How does a pastor pursue a love for the congregation? This is where the rubber meets the road. We might wish it wasn’t so but those we know best are sometimes the hardest to love. Ask a husband or a wife! So it is with a pastor. A pastor who knows his flock knows their personalities, quirks, weaknesses, and even sins.”
You’re Only Human
Sarah considers her finitude in light of some of the challenges of motherhood.
Flashback: The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice
As Christians consider how to act righteously toward others, as we consider the right response to injustice, as we ponder matters of inequity, we have a book of the Bible that is meant to guide us.