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A La Carte (August 21)

A La Carte Collection cover image

60/50 Ocean Way the Live Room Sessions – For my fellow NEEDTOBREATHE fans: Be sure to check out the new Liveroom EP at iTunes or Amazon. It’s amazing. Also, their most recent studio album Rivers in the Wasteland is $6.99 this week (iTunes, Amazon).

Telling People What To Do – There’s some sound counsel here from Rick Thomas. I appreciate his three-legged stool approach to integrating the Word of God and the Spirit of God with the community of God.

The Most Liveable Cities – It’s good to see Toronto place right near the top of the world’s most liveable cities. It’s one of the most liveable and least churched cities in the world. We’ve got work to do.

The Wonder Working God – Westminster Books has some good book deals this week, including a new one by Jared Wilson.

Blindness, Loneliness, and the Abundant Christian Life – I enjoyed this article from a Reformation21 guest blogger.

Corn on the Cob – Here’s a simple trick to get rid of all those annoying little threads that always hang around your cob of corn.

Mistreating Creation – Justin Holcomb explains why it is wrong for us to mistreat creation.


The man who prays with fasting is giving heaven notice that he is truly in earnest.

—Arthur Wallis

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