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A La Carte (August 20)


Today’s Kindle deals include Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word, a book for kids, and some other selections.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Way With Words)

The Proper Response To God’s Gifts Is To Enjoy Them

Here’s Stephen Kneale on enjoying God’s gifts. “Gnosticism has a habit of driving some of our attitudes in the church. And I think the whole area of enjoying God’s good gifts is one such example. These things are seen as ‘worldly’ and ‘unspiritual’ and therefore not to be enjoyed.”

12 Reasons You Might Not Feel Like Going to Church

There are lots of reasons you might not feel like going to church. As much as possible, it’s probably good to diagnose your reasons in those times when you just can’t be bothered.

Wonko the Sane

It has been a long time since I’ve read of Wonko the Sane! “One day Wonko picked up a box of toothpicks and noticed that the box included instructions on how to use a toothpick. This led Wonko to fear that the world had gone insane. A sane world, he thought, does not need instructions for toothpicks. In order to help the world, he built an asylum in which to put the entire world. The asylum was an inside-out building. This was necessary in order to fit the entire world into the asylum.”

On Writing, Weeding, and Walking in the Light

I enjoyed this reflection from Bethany Melton on writing, weeds, and sin.

God and Mathematics (Video)

This is a neat video explaining the relationship between God and mathematics.

5 Things You Should Know About TikTok

I expect you’ve been hearing a fair bit about Tiktok over the past few weeks. Jason Thacker’s article explains what it is and why it’s in the news.

What Does It Mean That People Want Deeper Bible Study?

I think this is a valuable insight: “When people say they want deeper Bible study they do not mean they want to go deeper into the Word but what they are really desiring (and what I believe the Spirit of God is prompting) is for the Word to go deeper into them. This is what they mean when they say that but we’ve often heard this request the wrong way.”

Flashback: The Best Day You’ve Ever Had

The pleasures of this present world are pleasurable indeed. But the greatest of them must pale in comparison to the least pleasures of the world to come.

The course of this world is pervasive, keeping the captives quiet with the morphine of temporary pleasure at the expense of their eternal souls.

—Gloria Furman

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