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A La Carte (August 2)

Today’s Kindle deals are excellent! They include Gospel Assurance and Warnings by Paul Washer; Raised? by Jonathan Dodson & Brad Watson; Proof by Daniel Montgomery & Timothy Paul Jones; Worldly Saints by Michael Wittmer (I highly recommend this one); The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission by John Dickson; Know the Creeds and Councils by Justin Holcomb; The God I Don’t Understand by Christopher Wright; The MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV). Get them here.

Logos users may want to grab this month’s free book. There are also some monthly deals to be had. I will sort through them later this week and make some recommendations.

What Are America’s Largest Seminaries?

The results are interesting. So too are the comparisons to 20 years ago. (Joe Carter interprets the results.)

10 Things You Should Know About General Revelation

I’m a sucker for Sam Storms’ “10 things” posts. In this one he discusses general revelation. “Because of our focus on the inspiration and inerrancy of God’s written revelation, the Bible (i.e., Special Revelation), we often tend to ignore the other ways in which God has made himself known more generally to all mankind.”

Big Families Lift Burdens

Even with all of 3 children we get stares in our middle-class, two-child town. “Underlying our culture’s distaste for large families is, among other things, the assumption that couples should only bring enough children into our overcrowded world to replace themselves. That is to say, no family really needs to have more than two children.”

Idolatry’s X-Ray

Maybe I’m just sharing this one because I’m hungry. “Cheesecake is not an abomination; cream cheese and graham cracker crumbles are gifts from the Creator (1 Tim. 4:4). God has given us many gifts to enjoy. Sports, laughter, mountains, and music are all gifts from God. Yet, we are able to twist his gifts, contort, and reshape them into an idol, spitting in the face of the Giver.”

Why Are So Many Corpse Flowers Blooming at Once?

The corpse flower is apparently just about the stinkiest plant in the world. The question is, why are so many blooming at once?

This Day in 1947. 69 years ago today, Chinese Protestant leader Liu Tingfang died of tuberculosis. His strong faith and intellectual gifts left a lasting mark on Chinese Christianity. *

What to do When You Are in a Spiritual Dry Spell

You must know these times: “We sing in worship and feel nothing. We read the Bible and stare blankly at the words. We pray and think we are talking to ourselves. The joy is not there, and it seems as if God is a thousand miles away.”

Yes Christian, You Need the Church

You know this, I’m sure, but it’s good to be reminded.

Flashback: An Angry God

God’s wrath is revulsion. It is not mere emotion and is not at all irrational. It is so much more than emotion.


A Christian is a walking sermon. We preach far more than a minister does, for we preach all week long.

—J.C. Ryle

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