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A La Carte (August 17)


Today’s Kindle deals include : Peacemaking Women by Tara Barthel; Mere Apologetics by Alister McGrath; On Guard and On Guard for Students by William Lane Craig; Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan. You can find them right here.

A Terrible Investment

Hosting the Olympics is invariably a terrible investment. And yet cities are lined up for the honor… (Or, as the New York Times says, cities are lined up for the event where the prize is the chance to lose billions.)

Should Children Sit Through “Big Church?”

In general I agree with John Piper here, though I think there is leeway for churches to adapt to their own culture and the people who are part of their community. (At Grace Fellowship Church we offer classes up to age 6.)

MacArthur on Self-Discipline

Here are John MacArthur’s nine tips of self-discipline.

The Wonder of Work

Melissa Kruger: “Our lives here are not only spent building sandcastles that will fade with the passing of time. We have the opportunity to build for all eternity, if we build on the right foundation and with the right materials.”

A Key to Understanding the Development of the NT Canon

From Melissa to Michael: “Unfortunately, the high level of interest in the New Testament canon is often combined with a high number of misconceptions about the canon. For anyone willing to search for it, the internet is packed with myths, mistakes, and misunderstandings about how the whole process really worked.”

This Day in 1761. 255 years ago today, William Carey was born in Northamptonshire, England. He would become a tremendously successful Baptist missionary to India. *

Do More Better

It has been a long time since I’ve shared a review of my book Do More Better. In this one Paula Marsteller encouragingly shares how the book has helped her.

Flashback: What Would I Lose If I Lost Worship?

Can you imagine your life without worship? Can you imagine your life without regularly gathering with God’s people to worship him together? Corporate worship is one of the great privileges of the Christian life. And perhaps it is one of those privileges that over time we can take for granted.


It is easy to bring a man to the river of regret, but you cannot make him drink the water of repentance.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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